This year's exhibition was juried by Mare Blocker, Lindsey Merrell, Todd Tubutis and Patricia Watkinson
Mare Blocker has been making limited edition and unique books since 1979 and established the MKimberly Press in 1984. Her work can be found in over 80 public collections and museums including the Museum of Women in the Arts, The Victoria and Albert, The University of Washington Special Collections and The Library of Congress. Mare is the President of the Book Arts Guild, a regional organization for book artists and enthusiasts.
Lindsey Merrell is a printmaker and graphic designer based out of Central Washington. Her prints have been exhibited throughout Washington state, and can be found in numerous collections nationwide. In addition to her own artwork, Merrell has taught intaglio workshops, provided lectures and demonstrations, and has worked as an assistant printer for internationally recognized artists. Follow her and her husband on Twitter @wondrousprint.
Todd J. Tubutis became Executive Director of Blue Sky, the Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts in Portland, Oregon in October 2009. He joined the organization from his position as Exhibition Project Director at The Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois, for which he oversaw the Museum's temporary exhibition calendar and project management staff. During his tenure at the Field, he led the design and institutional strategy teams for more than 20 temporary and permanent exhibitions of varied scope and subject matter, including "Jacqueline Kennedy: The White House Years," "Maps: Finding Our Place in the World," "From Prairie to Field: Photographs by Terry Evans," and "Evolving Planet."
Patricia Watkinson is an art and museum consultant, occasional writer and teacher. She has worked for art galleries and museums, both private and public, in Europe and the USA. Most recently she was executive director of Pilchuck Glass School and interim executive director of the Museum of Northwest Art, both in Washington state.
Installation View

Jurors' Awards
Generously donated by Doug and Laurie Kanyer
Michelle Acuff
Julie Alexander
Jane Alynn
Cara Astorquia
John Back
David Baker
Anthony Barron
Andy Behrle
Susan Bennerstrom
Megan Bent
Cecilia Blomberg
Charly Bloomquist
Stephanie Bower
Nathaniel Buckner
Martha Burgess
Maya Chchava
Morgan Chivers
Amanda Ciccone
Maria Cristalli
Mark Dahn
Barbara Dahn
Mark Daughhetee
Sandra Dean
Tom DeGroot
Rachel Dorn
Joshua Emery
Robin Emmans
Cynthia Esselman
Caryn Friedlander
Susan Gans
Nicole Gelinas
WIlliam Billy George
Karen Gjelsteen
Susan Guice
Patty Haller
Anelecia Hannah
Julia Heineccius
HollyAnna CougarTracks
DeCoteau Pinkham
Tamara Hoodenpy
Gail Howard
Sena Huh
Beanne Hull
Judy Hurcomb
Richard Hutter
Eva Isaksen
Mercedes Jelinek
John Jenkins III
Eileen Kane
John Kane
Laurie Kanyer
Susan Kelly
Jack King
Myrna Knode
Kim Kopp
Easton Kugler
Suzanne Lamon
Anita Lehmann
Terry Leness
Natasha Lewandrowski
Skye Livingston
Terri Lovins
Scott Mansfield
Johanna Marquis
Joe McDonnel
Dorothy McGuinness
Peggy Miller
Michael Paul Miller
Carol Milne
Edward Nelson
Mary Neubauer
Piper O'Neill
Joshua Oudin
Sara Owens
Joseph Pentheroudakis
Karen Quint
Marjorie Renno
LeAnne Ries
Inge Roberts
Carlos Rodriguez
Scot Roseburrough
Stavy Rosevear
Nicole Samples
Grace Schlitt
Gayle Scholl
Jaime Shafer
Skip Smith
Amanda Stark
Tamara Stephas
Elizabeth Stone
Erin Sweeny
Lynda Harwood-Swenson
Tallulah Terryll
Bob Tomolillo
Rea Walsh
Jodi Waltier
Sarah Wauzynski
Carmi Weingrod
Sandra Westford
Ealish Wilson
Lee Withington
Nan Wonderly
Elizabeth Woodward
Larry Wright